89 research outputs found

    Human-Intelligence and Machine-Intelligence Decision Governance Formal Ontology

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    Since the beginning of the human race, decision making and rational thinking played a pivotal role for mankind to either exist and succeed or fail and become extinct. Self-awareness, cognitive thinking, creativity, and emotional magnitude allowed us to advance civilization and to take further steps toward achieving previously unreachable goals. From the invention of wheels to rockets and telegraph to satellite, all technological ventures went through many upgrades and updates. Recently, increasing computer CPU power and memory capacity contributed to smarter and faster computing appliances that, in turn, have accelerated the integration into and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in organizational processes and everyday life. Artificial intelligence can now be found in a wide range of organizational systems including healthcare and medical diagnosis, automated stock trading, robotic production, telecommunications, space explorations, and homeland security. Self-driving cars and drones are just the latest extensions of AI. This thrust of AI into organizations and daily life rests on the AI community’s unstated assumption of its ability to completely replicate human learning and intelligence in AI. Unfortunately, even today the AI community is not close to completely coding and emulating human intelligence into machines. Despite the revolution of digital and technology in the applications level, there has been little to no research in addressing the question of decision making governance in human-intelligent and machine-intelligent (HI-MI) systems. There also exists no foundational, core reference, or domain ontologies for HI-MI decision governance systems. Further, in absence of an expert reference base or body of knowledge (BoK) integrated with an ontological framework, decision makers must rely on best practices or standards that differ from organization to organization and government to government, contributing to systems failure in complex mission critical situations. It is still debatable whether and when human or machine decision capacity should govern or when a joint human-intelligence and machine-intelligence (HI-MI) decision capacity is required in any given decision situation. To address this deficiency, this research establishes a formal, top level foundational ontology of HI-MI decision governance in parallel with a grounded theory based body of knowledge which forms the theoretical foundation of a systemic HI-MI decision governance framework

    The real steel

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    Following Human Footsteps: Proposal of a Decision Theory Based on Human Behavior

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    Human behavior is a complex nature which depends on circumstances and decisions varying from time to time as well as place to place. The way a decision is made either directly or indirectly related to the availability of the options. These options though appear at random nature, have a solid directional way for decision making. In this paper, a decision theory is proposed which is based on human behavior. The theory is structured with model sets that will show the all possible combinations for making a decision, A virtual and simulated environment is considered to show the results of the proposed decision theor

    Propagation of New Innovations: An Approach to Classify Human Behavior and Movement from Available Social Network Data

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    It is interesting to observe new innovations, products, or ideas propagating into the society. One important factor of this propagation is the role of individual's social network; while another factor is individual's activities. In this paper, an approach will be made to analyze the propagation of different ideas in a popular social network. Individuals' responses to different activities in the network will be analyzed. The properties of network will also be investigated for successful propagation of innovations

    Human-Intelligence/Machine-Intelligence Decision Governance: An Analysis from Ontological Point of View

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    The increasing CPU power and memory capacity of computers, and now computing appliances, in the 21st century has allowed accelerated integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into organizational processes and everyday life. Artificial intelligence can now be found in a wide range of organizational processes including medical diagnosis, automated stock trading, integrated robotic production systems, telecommunications routing systems, and automobile fuzzy logic controllers. Self-driving automobiles are just the latest extension of AI. This thrust of AI into organizations and everyday life rests on the AI community’s unstated assumption that “…every aspect of human learning and intelligence could be so precisely described that it could be simulated in AI. With the exception of knowledge specific areas …, sixty years later the AI community is not close to coding global human intelligence into AI.” (Cotter, 2015). Thus, in complex mission-environment situations it is therefore still debatable whether and when human or machine decision capacity should govern or when a joint human-intelligence/machine-intelligence (HI-MI) decision capacity is required. Most important, there has been no research into the governance and management of human-intelligent/machine-intelligent decision processes. To address this gap, research has been initiated into an HIMI decision governance body of knowledge and discipline. This paper updates progress in one track of that research, specifically into establishing the ontological basis of HI-MI decision governance, which will form the theoretical foundation of a systemic HI-MI decision governance body of knowledge

    Systemic Risk Management Plan for Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Why and How?

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    Electronic patient data use and handling are critical issues in terms of privacy, confidentiality, security, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. The risks associated with electronic patient data are not limited to identity theft but rather include a person’s social, economic, and psychological well-being. However, there have not been many studies that have focused on the associated risk factors that could lead to these situations. This paper identifies those risks related to electronic patient data breaches by means of a grounded theory approach and develops a systemic risk management plan that enables engineering managers and risk managers to more effectively and efficiently overcome risks associated with electronic patient data


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    Layanan Nikah Tidak Tercatat di Gorontalo: Explorasi dan Rekonstruksi

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    This article aims to explore unmarried marriage services in Gorontalo. The study uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The results of the study show that: (1) the widespread practice of marriage is not recorded in Gorontalo due to the availability of unregistered marriage services that are easy to access and not clandestine; (2) as for services not recorded easily and extensively in the background of several factors, namely; economics, culture, law, education, social, etc., this phenomenon leaves one problem that must be solved, namely the need to reconstruct a non-simplistic understanding of marriage. (3) Marriage must be returned to the essence of Islamic law. An epistemological problem that leaves a simplistic view of marriage must be reconstructed, so that there is no longer a view that Islamic marriage is merely a contract to legalize husband and wife relations that are more biologically nuanced. Support and awareness of all elements of the community are needed to further realize the sacred values ​​of maqashid al-sharia.Artikel ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi layanan nikah tidak tercatat di Gorontalo. Kajian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) maraknya praktik nikah tidak tercatat di Gorontalo disebabkan karena tersedianya layanan nikah tidak tercatat yang mudah akses dan tidak sembunyi-sembunyi; (2) adapun layanan tidak tercatat mudah dan meluas dilatar belakangi beberapa faktor, yaitu; ekonomi, budaya, hukum, pendidikan, sosial, dan lain-lain, fenomena tersebut menyisakan satu problem yang harus diselesaikan yakni perlunya rekonstruksi pemahaman yang tidak simplistik tentang perkawinan. (3) Perkawinan harus dikembalikan pada esensi syariat Islam. Problem epistemologis yang menyisakan pandangan simplistik tentang perkawinan harus direkonstruksi, sehingga tidak lagi berkembang pandangan bahwa perkawinan Islam hanya sekedar akad untuk melegalkan hubungan suami istri yang lebih kental nuansa biologisnya. Diperlukan dukungan dan kesadaran semua elemen umat untuk lebih mewujudkan nilai-nilai suci dari maqashid al-syariah
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